Sanmar says farewell to colleague and welcomes new specialist aboard

29.02.2024 -

Sanmar Shipyards this week says a fond farewell to Arzu Gören who has been the Turkish tug and workboat builder’s corporate communications specialist for last 6 year. She is succeeded in the role by Fatma Karagöl, who joined the company in December last year ahead of the hand-over.

Arzu said: “I have really enjoyed my time at Sanmar. I have witnessed many great achievements as the company has grown and developed into the major global player it is today. I am sad to be leaving Sanmar, and a part of my heart will always remain here.”

She is taking up a new role working alongside her husband at their factory that produces billiard equipment, where she will manage the corporate and sales side of the business.

Fatma has worked in the field of marketing and communications for six years. Before starting university, she lived in Vienna, Austria, for two years where she studied languages. She then returned to Turkiye to study management information systems.

Speaking about her new role, she said: “I am excited to be in a very dynamic and environmentalist sector. This is an exciting time for the tug and towing industry as new technologies and alternative fuels enable us to move to a greener, environmentally-friendly, and sustainable tug and towing industry.

“Sanmar is at the centre of this change, leading the way by building a new generation of powerful eco-friendly tugs. I enjoy being an employee of an important player in the drive to protect our planet for future generations. I am looking forward to telling the world about the great strides forward we are making.”

Ali Gürün, Chairman of Sanmar Shipyards, said: “I welcome Fatma to the Sanmar team at this important and exciting time for our company and our industry. I also thank Arzu for all her hard work and dedication and wish her well in her new job. We will miss her.”
